PeoplesNDC helps you engage in the national process for combating climate change.
PeoplesNDC web pages focus on land-use in relation to climate change. Our starting point for the design of the tool is that climate solutions MUST be grounded in rights, and be based on existing struggles for livelihoods, social justice, and gender equality. Control and management of land is becoming an ever-more critical social question in this time of changing climates.
As part of a United Nations treaty, all countries agreed to address climate change — to the best of the country’s abilities, in the ways that make the most sense for that country. Each country should prepare a ‘nationally determined contribution’ (NDC), strong
enough to make a real difference for climate change.
The UN treaty now also includes basic rules about what should be included in an NDC and makes a few recommendations on how the NDC should be prepared. We call these basic rules the ‘Mandate from the Paris Agreement’.
To engage in the ‘NDC process’, citizens, NGOs, academics, and peoples’ organizations should take stock of what they can contribute: traditional knowledge, unique social perspectives, organizing capacity, research capacity, and political power. Indigenous peoples and civil society organizations; universities and schools; religious orders and community groups – all can contribute to this process.
It’s also important to know what commitments and plans your government has already made about climate change and land use. We suggest a few places to look – with links to four pages below.
Continue To Preparation Pages
Background on the Paris Agreement and about ‘Nationally Determined Contributions’
Materials from think-tanks, NGOs, and climate justice movements.
Information about your country’s climate policies, including NDCs already submitted.
Materials from Indigenous federations and support organizations.