The NDC sets national ambition.
The NDC provides a good guide to how your country intends to tackle climate change for several years to come.
Countries may update or append their NDC at any time – but only to increase ambition. There’s no ‘backsliding’ or weakening of commitments.
What more can be done?
Four important things:
1) Review the draft NDC. Are there major changes that your group would recommend? What areas would you like to see strengthened?
2) Develop co-management and monitoring systems that support implementation of the NDC.
3) Future NDC updates. Work to increase ambition; develop new information resources about national responses to climate change.
4) Keep using this website to organize broad coalitions for climate ambition!
What results do you see?
Monitoring and Evaluation
Create opportunities to participate in formal M&E systems, and develop community-level monitoring capacity to focus on resilience and livelihoods.
The Global Stocktake
In 2023, countries will contribute to a global review of the adequacy of commitments toward the Paris Agreement goal to limit temperature rise. CLARA argues that the ‘Global Stocktake’ should also include reporting by rich countries on their provision of financial assistance.
The 2023 ‘Global Stocktake’ can also include analysis of how well countries are implementing the commitments they made in their NDC. So, there is a need for ongoing monitoring and review of progress made at the national level.
Continue To Results Pages
A good outcome will include mitigation and adaptation, agriculture and forestry, ‘own actions’ and conditional actions. The NDC should also spell out why this NDC represents a ‘fair share’ of action based on your country’s national circumstances.
A good outcome will include information-sharing and an ongoing consultation mechanism to measure progress toward mitigation and adaptation goals in the NDC.
NDC aligns with sustainable development goals,
including zero deforestation. Baselines are clear
and accurate, emission reductions are real. No
‘double-counting’, no land grabs, no land offsets.
Some NDCs will include lists or descriptions of programs for which the country seeks external funding. Does your team support the actions on this list? How can your team get more involved?
Checklist For Climate Action
- What ongoing role for civil society in land-based climate actions? What on-going role for indigenous peoples and local communities?
- What are the most important programs and projects included in the NDC for agriculture and forestry? Any other land-sector projects that are important?
- Does the NDC include attention to both climate adaptation and mitigation?
- Did you get information about how Forest Reference Levels and other baselines were set? How will progress toward mitigation and adaptation goals be measured? Will civil society be involved in measuring that progress?
- Did you get information about external (international) funding for particular climate actions in your country?
- Does the NDC address biodiversity as part of its climate strategy?